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  1. Ryan
    April 23, 2019 @ 11:16 am

    This looks very helpful. I may have to do this. I am attempting to have a working lab with vcsa 6.7 in my home.. I have a Unifi network, had set a domain, and then in the SSO setup , I DID use an fqdn..funny thing is it was working and now the dns is reporting as…I have no idea of how ro chang, as SSO only responds to


  2. Ian
    September 12, 2019 @ 8:08 am

    I tried a bogus ip for my DNS on a 6.7 u3 install and it denied me FYI for everyone. I am currently trying my router and ill know if it worked later today I imagine.


    • Sean
      September 16, 2019 @ 3:08 pm

      Let me know how that works for you. I am trying to set it up and use vrealize orchestrator but it keeps on giving me a lookup service error (even though I did all the steps on the KB ariticle)


    • Cyril
      May 7, 2020 @ 3:57 am

      When the 2nd type the Ip, system name. U can check system name is using ip or not. If not change to Ip then u can install it successfully


  3. Andrew Pierce
    October 16, 2019 @ 10:57 am

    So using the IP Address as the FQDN instead of entering a full FQDN will let the VCSa work without a PTR record? This is the issue im having and will try again tonight when i get back to my homelab, and update with findings. This seems too easy to be true ( after messing with Bind9 for the last few days to no avail..)


    • Amira Armond Amira Armond
      October 16, 2019 @ 11:09 am

      Well, it worked when I tried it a few months ago. Let us know your experience!


      • Tim Krego
        March 9, 2020 @ 12:38 pm

        6.7 U3 didn’t like ip address, or using hosts file with static entries. My solution was to use my Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machine and enter the DNS entries.


    December 27, 2019 @ 1:01 pm

    when install Vcenter 6.7 U1 , I have the error below, some can help me

    2019-12-27T17:31:01.789Z – error: Could not get response for get request from url https://OPVTBGOSVCNT01.abj.gos.ftgroup:5480/: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND opvtbgosvcnt01.abj.gos.ftgroup opvtbgosvcnt01.abj.gos.ftgroup:5480
    2019-12-27T17:31:01.789Z – error: VAMI is NOT accessilbe[1]: https://OPVTBGOSVCNT01.abj.gos.ftgroup:5480/, err: Could not get response for get request from url https://OPVTBGOSVCNT01.abj.gos.ftgroup:5480/: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND opvtbgosvcnt01.abj.gos.ftgroup opvtbgosvcnt01.abj.gos.ftgroup:5480


  5. stefano
    October 30, 2020 @ 7:35 am

    how can I do the reverse
    If I log into the vcenter UI I see the ipaddress but I’d rather see the FQDN .
    Doing a ssh to the vcenter I see that the hostname is the FQDN .


  6. Lalit
    April 17, 2021 @ 4:24 am

    Thanks for the blog, it helps.
    I have query might be a simple one but I’m finding it difficult to execute. How to install vCenter 6.5 on a separate server rather than onto a Esxi host, if we install vCenter onto a Esxi host and if Esxi host happens to reboot or shutdown than entire vcenter will be down.
    I tried installing it on another win server in demo env but it looks for certificate, but when i add esxi host ip or fqdn it works fine.
    Can you please guide me through for the missing part or vCenter 6.5 onwards it only installed onto esxi host.

    Have a nice time.


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