4 mistakes people make when hiring a computer services company


Mistake #1: After choosing an IT support provider, you no longer need to be involved in the management of them.

As with any department you manage, your IT support provider will need oversight as well as clear and consistent communication. When you stop being involved with your IT support provider, expectations are not clearly communicated and problems are more apt to arise. Additionally, without communication, your strategic, long-term plans may not be included in preparation for future technology spending.

Communication is a two-way street. If you are not involved in setting expectations or communicating questions as they arise, communication and, ultimately, the business relationship suffers. Clear communication is even more important when you have multiple technology vendors including specialized software, email hosting, network administration etc.


Mistake #2: Assume that there will not be anymore challenges or issues with your computers once you hire an IT support provider.

Many companies have hired IT support providers only to be disappointed that there are still things that seem to pop up on a regular basis. However, just because you have outsourced your IT support to a company with a good reputation and track record does not mean you won’t have any more challenges or issues ahead of you. It just isn’t realistic.

Computers are machines. User errors, hardware failure, software corruption and regular maintenance issues are the norm, not the exception, even for the best of networks and IT support providers. That is why large companies have whole IT departments. In fact you may even have more issues to address initially because someone is now actually paying attention to your needs and making you aware of them.


Mistake #3: Assume the IT support provider with the lowest price per hour is the best choice.

When choosing an IT support provider, you will have various options. As a small business, keeping costs down is important, so you may be tempted to settle for the lowest bidder. Just remember: You get what you pay for. If a company provides you a quote that is substantially lower than the others, ask why. Perhaps their employee(s) lack necessary certifications or training, they don’t have a staff or tools in place to ensure your needs are taken care of in a timely manner and that things don’t fall through the cracks. If this is the case, you may end up spending more in the short and long run by going with the lowest price per hour.

Mistake #4: Assume technical skill or “geekiness” is all you need.

How many times have your eyes glazed over as someone explains why you are experiencing various technical problems with your network. IT support providers who lack the ability to communicate in a non-technical manner and that don’t have a long term strategic view of your company’s business goals will cost you time and money while frustrating you and your employees.



Whether you are looking for an IT support provider for the first time or are looking for a new one there are some things you can do now to avoid the mistakes many small companies make. If you can begin to view your IT support provider as an extension of your own company, you will be in good stead to avoid these common mistakes.

Like many other professional services that assist companies, the bottom line in looking for an IT support provider is finding a company with the right qualifications as well as the dedication to making sure you are taken care of to your satisfaction.


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